F. A --- My Home


  1. W3Schools
    Here you can learn a lot of things about programming. Including HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SQL, and much more. Definitely one to check out.

  2. GeeksForGeeks Dynamic Programming
    I recommend you to visit this site if you wish to learn about Dynamic Programming. There’s hundred of Dynamic Programming problems that will satisfy you hunger of knowledge.

  3. Coder’s Toolbox
    It’s a quick and light tool for conversion. You can do conversion between decimal, hexadecimal, etc. There’s also other tool such as network calculator and bandwidth calculator.

  4. RegExr
    It’s a great website to build and test regex expression. Try it and see if it helps you. I sure hope it will.

  5. StackOverflow
    If you’re a programmer, programming major student, or you’re learning programming, you probably know about this website already. We all love stack overflow. Stack Overflow is a question and answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers. When we encounter an error or bug when coding our program, this is the place to go most of the times.

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